Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah Schedule
Wednesday, October 23
Evening Services: 5:30 PM
followed by Kiddush and Hakafot
Festive Dinner in the Sukkah: 7:30 PM
Thursday, October 24
Morning Services including Yizkor: 10:00 AM
Lunch in the Sukkah: 12:00 PM
Evening Services: 6:30 PM
followed by Kiddush, Hakafot, and the –
Annual Simchat Torah Bash
Join hundreds of students for amazing food, great friends, and lots of happiness!
Friday, October 25
Morning Service, Kiddush, Hakafot, Mussaf and Lunch: 10:00 AM
Kabbalat Shabbat Services: 6:30 PM
Shabbat Dinner: 7:15 PM
Saturday, October 26
Shabbat Morning Servicves followed by Lunch: 10:00 AM